Stencil Creations!

Today we worked on our fine motor skills and art expression by using big stencils and crayons. At first the children were not interested in this simple activity, but after seeing one friend participate some began to gravitated towards it. The children had some trouble following the stencil design, but after some practice and learning to color the entire thing, they got the hang of it! We started by looking at the different stencils we had and chose our favorites: the tree, person, and cat! I had the children place their stencils on their blank paper and choose the colored crayon they wanted to use first. I had the children try to use the stencil themselves, although some had trouble keeping it still. I then helped the children hold down their stencils and guided the children to follow the edges of the stencil or to color in the stencil. This was a good activity to help the children work on their hand coordination and their fine motor skills, as well as their art expression. I’m a big fan of art and the different ways it helps the children express their feelings, emotions, and education. For example, many of the children were able to name the stencil they used and explained to me what was missing from the stencil. For example, the child with the person stencil said, “need eyes” meaning she was going to add eyes to her person stencil. This activity is simple and creative!

What is Needed:

-Multi-colored crayons

-Big Stencils


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